Video: T’Jean – Mother Earth [Jdeacs Records / Izreal Records]

#PushingReggae #TJean #MotherEarth #JdeacsRecords #IzrealRecords | T’Jean – Mother Earth [Jdeacs Records / Izreal Records] A.I (Ancient Intelligence) E.P releasing on all platforms February 2nd 2024. Produced by : Jdeacs Records & Izreal RecordsDirected & Edited by: RB Visuals (@rbvisualsja) Follow T’Jean / jahtbenji / jahtb Soundcloud / jahtjean Audiomac

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I've been around the music business since I was a boy, and gained my skills in the late 80's and early 90's when i moved with the FOUNDATION SOUND mans dem. I joined R N T in the 90's...

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